About Kelvin

Dr. Kelvin Thompson is an online education professional with 25 years of experience in instructional design, faculty development, management, and leadership within higher education . Kelvin frequently contributes to the community through in-person appearances, online resources, and publications. See Kelvin’s speaker bio for more information. Additionally, please visit Kelvin’s LinkedIn profile, or view Kelvin’s curriculum vitae.  For information about his Online Course Criticism qualitative evaluation model, please visit the Online Course Criticism site. Kelvin co-hosts TOPcast: The Teaching Online Podcast available on Apple Podcasts and all major podcasting apps or at http://topcast.online.ucf.edu.

About this Site

Of Course(s)! Online is a resource site for online/blended professionals created by instructor, researcher, and consultant Dr. Kelvin Thompson. Each episode or posting  focuses on a particular issue of interest to new or experienced online course practitioners. Postings include a variety of materials and might include a selection of presentation materials, including audio recordings, from professional conferences and other speaking engagements.

The views expressed on this site and in the individual podcast episodes are solely those of Kelvin Thompson and are not intended to reflect the views of his employer, clients, or any institution or corporation.

Permission to Use Content from this Web Site

Creative Commons License

Of Courses Online (including audio materials and supporting documents and images) by Kelvin Thompson, Ed.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

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